
Chinlingo Chinese character: 花 (huā)

"花" (huā) is a top-down structured character. "艹 (艸)" on the top indicates it falls into the herbaceous family, while "" (huà) implies "change" and indicates "花" has evolved from grass. Thus, "花" has been provided with the meaning "flower" which shares the same final "ua" with "花", "化" serves as the pictophonetic component.
汉字"花(huā)"为上下结构。上部的"艹(艸)"表明"花(huā)"属于草本植物;下部的"化(huà) "有变化的意思,表明"花(huā)"是从草中变化出来的东西,由此产生花朵的含义。"化(huà)"是声旁,它的韵母"ua"用作构成"huā"的韵母。"

In Chinese,  the pronunciation of many word finals changes with retroflection, which is called "儿化音" (ér huà yīn, rhoticity) and is often prevalent in local dialects in Northern China. "花儿" (huār) is the authentic and standard pronunciation of  "花".
在汉语中,有许多词汇的韵母因卷舌动作而发生音变现象,我们叫它"儿化音(ér huà yīn)",其常出现在中国北方地区的地方方言里。而"花(huā)"的读音,更地道的发音是带有儿化音,读成:"花儿(huār)"。

Do you know what the four most famous flowers are in China? The four famous flowers are "牡丹花" (mǔ dān huā, peony), "水仙花" (shuǐ xiān huā, narcissus), "菊花" (jú huā, chrysanthemum), and "山茶花" (shān chá huā, camellia). "牡丹花" is named "the King of Flowers"; It is the national flower of China and the symbol of wealth, luck, happiness and prosperity. "水仙花" represents purity and luck, and implies the missing sentiment and reunion during the Spring Festival Holiday. "菊花" symbolizes elegance, purity, luck and longevity. Meanwhile, "山茶花" symbolizes purity, enthusiasm and kindness.
你知道中国的四大名花吗?它们分别是:牡丹花(mǔ dān huā),有"花中之王"的称号,是中国的国花,它象征着富贵、吉祥、幸福、繁荣;水仙花(shuǐ xiān huā),象征纯洁和吉祥,过年时表示思念、团圆;菊花(jú huā),象征高雅纯洁、吉祥长寿;山茶花(shān chá huā),象征纯洁纯真、热情、善良。

Besides the primary meaning, "花" can imply the following meanings, such as: "to spend" (time, money);
如果你还想有更多的了解,我还可以告诉你," 花"除了本义外,还可引申表示为:

"anything resembling a flower" as in "雪花" (xuě huā, snowflake);
形状像花的东西:雪花(xuě huā)
"multicolored" as in "花衣" (huā yī, bright-colored clothes); and lastly, 
色彩繁多的: 花衣(huā yī)
"fancy/florid" as in "花招" (huā zhāo, tricks)
迷惑人虚假的:花招(huā zhāo) 

The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source for any use, reproduction or transfer. 

